Have you ever tried to change your life ...

only to feel blocked or stuck?

Have you ever tried to manifest a desire,
either a relationship, or a career, or reach an elusive goal, only to feel blocked or stuck?

It’s not a lack of willpower!

Picture your mind as an iceberg, 90% is in your subconscious where all your beliefs stem from!

Where lies the problem?

  • The majority of your beliefs were formed
    by the age of 7. Would you agree that some of them probably aren’t helpful anymore?
  • The number one job of your subconscious mind is
    to keep you safe.
    Safe is what is familiar, change isn’t.



How do you change that?

I use a proven methodology, what has worked for me and the people I work with which is clinical hypnotherapy.

We work directly with your subconscious mind and rewrite the beliefs that aren’t serving you.

Even better, we make beliefs that you want to have to feel natural so that your nervous system can be at ease when you manifest a new reality for yourself.

**I am trauma informed. I create a safe space where
you will feel FULLY supported.

Welcome beautiful soul!

why me?

Barchi Stella has been on self-development
journey for more than 15 years.

Her passion for psychology, spirituality and understanding the human mind comes from her adversity. Her life on the outside seemed great but inside she felt unworthy, stuck and deeply unhappy, struggling with negative self-talk and anxiety.

Working with her subconscious mind helped her made shifts she couldn’t think they were possible (an example: conquering the effects of bullying when she was a teen by going visible). She has been committed to support others to break their limitations
and live a life from their heart.

She loves working with people from different cultures and age groups. Originally from Europe, she has lived in 3 countries, 3 Canadian provinces and now calls Vancouver as her home.


  • A student of Masters of Clinical Psychology
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy (220++ hours), Coastal Academy, Vancouver
  • Counselling Psychology Courses at the UBC, Vancouver
  • Narrative Therapy Basic Training, Vancouver
  • ACC ICF Certified Life Coach (370+ hours) at Rhodes Wellness College, Vancouver
  • Basic Counselling Certificate (220 hours) at Rhodes Wellness College, Vancouver

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